Full sized image.

Bailey had a speaking part in his school's Veterans Day assembly this year. He paid homage to the U.S. Coast Guard:

"Another branch of the military is the Coast Guard. They protect our coast to keep us safe."

This was actually a very nice presentation, with students describing the various branches of the military, while the student chorus hummed the songs for each branch. (Anchor's Away, for example, or The Halls of Montezuma.) The students gave the presentation twice, once in the morning, and again in the afternoon. When each branch was called, veterans from those branches were invited to stand for applause from the auditorium. Many veterans were there in full dress uniform, one Navy veteran was quite decorated. It was a very nice tribute to the veterans who have given, and continue to give, so much for our nation. We were very happy and proud that Bailey was able to participate in this tribute.

My only real regret was that my photography skills abandoned me at such a great moment. I have video of the presentation and I may post some of that here later, depending on how that came out. If I do, I'll update the top of the page to let you know.
